plman.ActivePlaylist | number |
read, write | Could be -1 if reading value and no playlist is active. |
plman.PlaybackOrder | PlaybackOrder | read, write | |
plman.PlayingPlaylist | number |
read | Could be -1 if not playing or playing item doesn't belong to any playlist. |
plman.PlaylistCount | number |
read | |
plman.RecyclerCount | number |
read |
Most methods require that the playlistIndex
argument is valid. That means
not -1
and less than plman.PlaylistCount
plman.AddLocations(playlistIndex, paths[, select])
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. Also, it must not be an autoplaylist or have a lock in place preventing the addition of new files. |
paths | array |
Can be file paths/urls/playlists. |
select | boolean |
Default false . If true , the active playlist will be set to the playlistIndex , the items will be selected and focus will be set to the first new item. |
No return value.
This operation is asynchronous and may take some time to complete if it's a large array.
var arr = ["e:\\1.mp3"];
plman.AddLocations(plman.ActivePlaylist, arr);
plman.AddPlaylistLock(playlistIndex, mask)
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
mask | PlaylistLockFilterMask |
Returns true
on success, false
if playlist already locked.
See plman.ShowPlaylistLockUI first as that provides a dialog and is much more user friendly!
Before you can add a playlist lock, you must check
there is no lock present already. If another component
owns the lock, you have to use that component to
remove it. If the lock is owned by JScript Panel 3
you must remove it first. This is because locks cannot be
edited. You have to remove it and then add a new one
with a new mask value.
function add_playlist_lock(playlistIndex, mask) {
// check if playlistIndex is valid
if (playlistIndex >= 0 && playlistIndex < plman.PlaylistCount) {
if (plman.IsPlaylistLocked(playlistIndex)) {
if (plman.GetPlaylistLockName(playlistIndex) == 'JScript Panel 3') {
// We own this lock so we can remove it.
} else {
// Locked but not ours. Nothing we can do.
return false;
return plman.AddPlaylistLock(playlistIndex, mask);
return false;
// Available mask values
var PlaylistLockFilterMask = {
filter_add : 1,
filter_remove : 2,
filter_reorder : 4,
filter_replace : 8,
filter_rename : 16,
filter_remove_playlist : 32,
// Setting a single value:
var mask = PlaylistLockFilterMask.filter_add;
// To set multiple values at once, use | like this:
var mask2 = PlaylistLockFilterMask.filter_add | PlaylistLockFilterMask.filter_remove;
// You may add a value to an existing mask using a bitwise operator like this:
mask |= PlaylistLockFilterMask.filter_replace;
//To remove a value, use &= and ~ like this:
mask &= ~PlaylistLockFilterMask.filter_replace;
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
No return value.
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
No return value.
plman.CreateAutoPlaylist(playlistIndex, name, query[, sort, flags])
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
name | string |
query | string |
flags | number |
Default 0 . Use 1 to force sort. |
Returns the index of the newly created Autoplaylist
or -1
on failure. The most likely cause of that
would be an invalid query.
plman.CreatePlaylist([playlistIndex, name])
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Optional |
name | string |
Optional |
Returns the index of the newly created playlist.
Creates a new playlist last in the list and it
will be named `New playlist` or have numbers appended if
there are existing playlists with the same name. Using
the return value, you can switch to it.
var new_index = plman.CreatePlaylist();
plman.ActivePlaylist = new_index;
plman.DuplicatePlaylist(playlistIndex, name)
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
name | string |
If you supply an empty string, the name of the original playlist is used. |
Returns the index of the newly created playlist which will be directly after the original. Only the content is duplicated, not the properties.
plman.ExecutePlaylistDefaultAction(playlistIndex, playlistItemIndex)
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
playlistItemIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
No return value.
Starts playback by executing the default doubleclick action unless overridden by a lock to do something else.
Arguments | ||
str | string |
Returns the index or -1
on failure. Only strings returned by plman.GetGUID
would be valid.
plman.FindOrCreatePlaylist(name, unlocked)
Arguments | ||
name | string |
unlocked | boolean |
If true , locked playlists are ignored when looking for existing playlists. |
Returns index of named playlist or newly created playlist.
Arguments | ||
name | string |
Not case senstive. |
Returns the found index or -1
on failure.
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
Returns a string
which is a unique persistent property of the playlist.
Returns a VBArray
so you need to use .toArray()
on the result.
This is an array of playback order names which can be iterated
or used with plman.PlaybackOrder
var arr = plman.GetPlaybackOrders().toArray();
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
Returns an IPlayingItemLocation instance.
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Returns index or -1
if nothing is selected.
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Returns a number
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Returns an IMetadbHandleList instance.
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Returns a PlaylistLockFilterMask or
if supplied with an invalid playlistIndex
Use this to determine the type(s) of locks applied to the specified playlist.
var PlaylistLockFilterMask = {
filter_add : 1,
filter_remove : 2,
filter_reorder : 4,
filter_replace : 8,
filter_rename : 16,
filter_remove_playlist : 32,
var mask = plman.GetPlaylistLockFilterMask(plman.ActivePlaylist)
if (mask & PlaylistLockFilterMask.filter_add) {
console.log("Can't add files to this playlist");
For convenience, these methods are included in helpers.txt
function playlist_can_add_items(playlistIndex) {
return !(plman.GetPlaylistLockFilterMask(playlistIndex) & PlaylistLockFilterMask.filter_add);
function playlist_can_remove_items(playlistIndex) {
return !(plman.GetPlaylistLockFilterMask(playlistIndex) & PlaylistLockFilterMask.filter_remove);
function playlist_can_reorder(playlistIndex) {
return !(plman.GetPlaylistLockFilterMask(playlistIndex) & PlaylistLockFilterMask.filter_reorder);
function playlist_can_replace_items(playlistIndex) {
return !(plman.GetPlaylistLockFilterMask(playlistIndex) & PlaylistLockFilterMask.filter_replace);
function playlist_can_rename(playlistIndex) {
return !(plman.GetPlaylistLockFilterMask(playlistIndex) & PlaylistLockFilterMask.filter_rename);
function playlist_can_remove(playlistIndex) {
return !(plman.GetPlaylistLockFilterMask(playlistIndex) & PlaylistLockFilterMask.filter_remove_playlist);
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Returns the name of the component that implemented the playlist lock or an empty string if the playlist is not locked.
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Returns a string
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
Returns a VBArray
so you need to use .toArray()
on the result.
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Returns an IMetadbHandleList instance.
plman.GetQueryItems(playlistIndex, query)
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
query | string |
Returns an IMetadbHandleList instance.
Errors will be thrown on invalid queries so if you're not using predefined safe queries and are accepting user input, you should use this inside a try/catch statement. An empty handle list will be returned if the query is valid but there are no results.
Arguments | ||
index | number |
Must be valid. |
Returns an IMetadbHandleList instance.
var count = plman.RecyclerCount;
if (count > 0) {
// retrieve handles from first deleted playlist
var handle_list = plman.GetRecyclerItems(0);
Arguments | ||
index | number |
Must be valid. |
var count = plman.RecyclerCount;
if (count > 0) {
// output name of first deleted playlist
plman.InsertPlaylistItems(playlistIndex, base, handle_list[, select])
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
base | number |
Position in playlist. |
handle_list | IMetadbHandleList | |
select | boolean |
Default false . |
No return value.
plman.InsertPlaylistItemsFilter(playlistIndex, base, handle_list[, select])
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
base | number |
Position in playlist. |
handle_list | IMetadbHandleList | |
select | boolean |
Default false . |
No return value.
Same as above except any duplicates contained in handle_list
are removed.
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
No return value.
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Returns a boolean
plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(playlistIndex, playlistItemIndex)
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
playlistItemIndex | number |
Returns a boolean
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Returns a boolean
It's advisable to use plman.GetPlaylistLockFilterMask
as this will let you determine what kind of locks
are in place. For example, if a playlist only has a
lock preventing you from deleting it, you can still
add/remove files which you wouldn't be able determine
from using plman.IsPlaylistLocked
plman.MovePlaylist(from, to)
Arguments | ||
from | number |
Must be valid. |
to | number |
Must be valid and not equal to from . |
No return value.
plman.MovePlaylistSelection(playlistIndex, delta)
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
delta | number |
No return value.
Only useful when the selection is contiguous. See the improved version just below.
plman.MovePlaylistSelectionV2(playlistIndex, new_pos)
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
new_pos | number |
No return value.
Unlike plman.MovePlaylistSelection
, this has
full support for non-contiguous selections and
all you have to do is supply the new position index.
Arguments | ||
affectedItems | array |
No return value.
Purges deleted playlists so they cannot be restored.
// first only
// first and third only
// purges all deleted playlists
var arr = [];
var count = plman.RecyclerCount;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Arguments | ||
index | number |
Must be valid. |
No return value.
var count = plman.RecyclerCount;
if (count > 0) {
// restore first deleted playlist
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
No return value.
If removing the active playlist, no playlist will be active after using this. You'll need to set it manually or use plman.RemovePlaylistSwitch instead.
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
Returns a boolean
You can only remove a playlist lock if it's
owned by JScript Panel 3
. You can check
this with plman.GetPlaylistLockName. See
plman.AddPlaylistLock for an example.
Arguments | ||
playlistIndexes | array |
No return value.
// This would remove all empty playlists.
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < plman.PlaylistCount; i++) {
if (plman.GetPlaylistItemCount(i) == 0) arr.push(i);
if (arr.length) plman.RemovePlaylists(arr);
plman.RemovePlaylistSelection(playlistIndex[, crop])
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
crop | boolean |
Default false . |
No return value.
// Removes selected items from playlist.
// Removes items that are NOT selected.
plman.RemovePlaylistSelection(plman.ActivePlaylist, true);
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
No return value.
This automatically sets another playlist as active if removing the active playlist.
plman.RenamePlaylist(playlistIndex, name)
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
name | string |
No return value.
plman.ReplacePlaylistItem(playlistIndex, playlistItemIndex, handle)
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
playlistItemIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
handle | IMetadbHandle |
No return value.
plman.SelectQueryItems(playlistIndex, query)
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
query | string |
This selects playlist items in a similar manner to
the foobar2000
native playlist search.
Returns a VBArray
so you need to use .toArray()
on the result.
No return value.
Workaround so you can use the Edit
when your panel has focus and a dedicated
playlist viewer doesn't.
// Once on startup.
function on_focus(is_focused) {
if (is_focused) {
// When the panel gets focus but not on every click.
plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(playlistIndex, playlistItemIndex)
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
playlistItemIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
No return value.
plman.SetPlaylistSelection(playlistIndex, affectedItems, state)
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
affectedItems | array |
state | boolean |
No return value.
// Selects first, third and fifth tracks in playlist.
// This does not affect other selected items.
var arr = [0, 2, 4];
plman.SetPlaylistSelection(plman.ActivePlaylist, arr, true);
plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(playlistIndex, playlistItemIndex, state)
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
playlistItemIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
state | boolean |
No return value.
// Deselects first playlist item.
// Only works when it is already selected!
plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(plman.ActivePlaylist, 0, false);
// Selects last item in playlist.
// This does not affect other selected items.
var ap = plman.ActivePlaylist;
var count = plman.GetPlaylistItemCount(ap);
plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(ap, count - 1, true);
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
No return value.
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
Shows popup window letting you toggle the various lock options on/off.
No return value.
plman.SortByFormat(playlistIndex, pattern[, selected_items_only])
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
pattern | string |
Title formatting pattern to sort by. Use "" to randomise the order. |
selected_items_only | boolean |
Default false . |
No return value.
plman.SortByFormatV2(playlistIndex, pattern[, direction])
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
pattern | string |
Title formatting pattern to sort by. |
direction | number |
Default 1 . Use 1 for ascending, -1 for descending. |
No return value.
Arguments | ||
direction | number |
Default 1 . Use 1 for ascending, -1 for descending. |
No return value.
Arguments | ||
playlistIndex | number |
Must be valid. |
No return value.
Call before using other plman
methods that
add/remove/reorder playlist items so a history
will be available from the Edit