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Requirements & Installation

Minimum requirements & download#

Download Release Date Windows foobar2000
3.6.2 25th July 2024 Windows 10/11 2.1+ 32bit/64bit


Previous versions are available here.

Required fonts#

For most samples, Segoe Fluent Icons is absolutely required. Windows 11 users will already have this installed.

To display Country Flags, you should install the Twemoji Mozilla font. Other fonts may not work as expected.


It is assumed you know how to add panels to your layout. Basic guides can be found below.

Default UI

Columns UI


Since the learning curve for writing your own scripts is quite steep, there are many included samples that don't require any knowledge at all. You can simply pick the one you want to use from the Samples button in the Configuration Window.

The Gallery has recently been updated with more detailed setup notes / usage instructions.