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on_download_file_done(path, success, error_text)#

path string The path that was originally supplied to utils.DownloadFileAsync.
success boolean If true it means the web request was succesful and the file was saved correctly.
error_text string Empty if success is true. If success is false, it should describe what went wrong.

Called when thread created by utils.DownloadFileAsync is done.

on_download_image_done(url, image)#

url string The url that was originally supplied to utils.DownloadImageAsync.
image IJSImage Could be null on failure.

Called when thread created by utils.DownloadImageAsync is done.

on_get_album_art_done(handle, art_id, image)#

handle IMetadbHandle
art_id number
image IJSImage Could be null on failure.

Called when thread created by IMetadbHandle GetAlbumArtAsync or IMetadbHandle GetAlbumArtThumbAsync is done.

on_http_request_done(task_id, success, response_text, status, response_headers)#

task_id number The return value from the original utils.HTTPRequestAsync call.
success boolean If true, it doesn't necessarily mean HTTP status 200 but it indicates the request was completed succesfully so the response text is from the server.
response_text string
3.3.24 status number Will be 0 if success is false otherwise it will the HTTP status code from the server.
3.3.24 response_headers string This is a stringified JSON object so you need to use JSON.parse to access it. It's only valid if success was true.

Called when thread created by utils.HTTPRequestAsync is done.

See Web Requests for examples.

on_load_image_done(image_path, image)#

image_path string The path that was originally supplied to utils.LoadImageAsync.
image IJSImage Could be null on failure.

Called when thread created by utils.LoadImageAsync is done.

on_locations_added(task_id, handle_list)#

task_id number The return value from the original fb.AddLocationsAsync call.
handle_list IMetadbHandleList

Called when thread created by fb.AddLocationsAsync is done.


index number

On the main menu File>JScript Panel 3, there are 10 menu items and whichever number is selected is sent as the index to this callback.

Being main menu items now means you can bind them to global keyboard shortcuts, standard toolbar buttons, panel stack splitter buttons, etc.

Remember to think carefully about where you use this code as you probably only want it to run once so don't include it in common files and scripts where you might have multiple instances. Also, you should avoid sharing scripts containing this code so as not to conflict with what other users may already be using.


function on_main_menu(index) {
    switch (index) {
    case 1: // triggered when File>JScript Panel 3>1 is run
    case 2: // triggered when File>JScript Panel 3>2 is run

on_notify_data(name, info)#

name string
info string, number, array, object

Called in other panels after window.NotifyOthers is executed.


task_id number The return value from the original utils.RunCmdAsync call.


Should always be called when:

  • scripts are reloaded from the context menu / window.Reload
  • the OK/Apply buttons are used in the Configuration Window.
  • panels are removed/replaced in layout editing mode
  • foobar2000 exits normally

It will not be called if a script throws an error or foobar2000 terminates abnormally.


You do not need to clear timers or deactivate tooltips here. The component handles this automatically.


Do not try to use window.SetProperty here. When shutting down, the layout data which stores persistent properties has already been written to file and changes will not be saved.