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Country Flags


This functionality is only available in component version 3.3.19 and later. It also requires Windows 10 or later and you must have the Twemoji Mozilla font installed.

While it has always been possible to display flags with images or writing your own scripts to make use of emoji, this details some helper methods which have been added to make it easier.

First of all, there is a simple utils.GetCountryFlag method which accepts a 2 letter country code or the full country name. See supported values. An empty string will be returned on failure.


// @import "%fb2k_component_path%helpers.txt"

var font = CreateFontString("Twemoji Mozilla", 24);
var flag = utils.GetCountryFlag("GB");

function on_paint(gr) {
    gr.WriteText(flag, font, 0, 0, 0, window.Width, window.Height, 2, 2);

Title formatting#


These examples assume you have a supported value inside a %country% tag. Adjust as necessary.

A $country_flag function has been added and you can use it like this:

$font(Twemoji Mozilla,16)$country_flag(%country%)

If using the Text Display sample, the $font parsing is handled automatically.


The use of $font is detailed here. If you want to utilise $font in your own scripts, you can use DrawStyledText from helpers.txt. It also supports $rgb if you want to combine that for other text.


// @import "%fb2k_component_path%helpers.txt"

// $font() with no args resets back to the default_font supplied to
// DrawStyledText in on_paint
// also includes $rgb example
var tfo = fb.TitleFormat(
    "[$font(Twemoji Mozilla,18)$country_flag(%country%)$font() ]$rgb(255,0,0)%artist%"
var str = "";


function refresh() {
    var item = fb.GetFocusItem();
    if (item) {
        str = tfo.EvalWithMetadb(item);
    } else {
        str = "";

function on_item_focus_change() {

function on_playlist_switch() {

function on_paint(gr) {
    // default_font is an empty string, defaulting to Segoe UI, 16px
    DrawStyledText(gr, str, "", 0, 0, 0, window.Width, window.Height, 2, 2);

Supported values#

Case is not important. You can supply the code or full name. A few examples:

gb United Kingdom
fr France
de Germany

A complete list of supported values can be found in this file: countries.json